Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hansa Presentation

Map of Hansa trade cities
"The Hansa was a trading alliance between several European cities in the 13th to 17th centuries. Hamburg and Luebeck were the first cities to create a merchant association in the 12th century. Luebeck had fish and transportation, but Hamburg had the salt to preserve it. Their idea gave other cities something to follow and thus becoming the Hanseatic League"

Hanse Internals

  • Merchant associations not just league or cities.
  • Trade was very dangerous and risky so they decided to band together to travel.
  • For water travel they used ships called cogs
    • Largest cogs could carry up to 200 tons worth of goods
  • Cities consisted of sea faring merchants and trade houses.

Hanse Facts

  • Hanse was found in the 12th century
  • Located on the Baltic sea
  • Basic trade routes between Hamburg and Luebeck
  • Fishing, salt cultivation, and woolen fabrics were popular trade goods.


Bruges is the capital and the largest city in the province of Belgium. The important historical landmarks there are:

The Groeningmuseum

The museum highlights many collections of art and works done by Renaissance artists. Many works are from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Beguinage

Beguinage is a french term that refers to a semi-monastic community of women. These were religious women who sought out to serve god.


Main exports:

  • Fur/Hides
  • Meat
  • Butter
  • Dried Fish
  • Tar
  • Seed rye

Main Imports:

  • Salts
  • Clothes
  • Metals
  • Wines

Trust and Truth

A big deal during the Hansa time was the trust that was required in their line of work. Many deals were not done with written contracts or anything like that. The most important thing when dealing with each other was trust. If someone says that they have the money to pay for something that meant that they DID have it.

Fall of the Hanseatic League


  • 1386 Lithuania and Poland unite
  • 1397 Denmark, Norway, and Sweden unite
  • 1494 "Ivan III of Moscow closed Hanseatic trading settlement at Novgorod
  • 15th century, Dutch grew in industrial strength
  • Were able to drive German traders out of Dutch markets
  • 16th century, Hanseatic League was very week
  • Assigned Heinrich Sudermann as a perminant official to fix internal issues
  • End of 16th century, remained weak
  • The Hanseatic League eventually fell due to a lack of centralized power, they could not withstand the influence of the more powerful nation-states.

Saklain Karim

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Group 4 Presentation: Rhineland-Palatine


The state:

  The state that the two of us in our group chose was Rhineland-Palatine. Rhineland Palatine was first established in 1946on the 30th on August. The state includes parts of the northern French Occupation Zone which includes parts of Bavaria, the Prussian Rhine Province, parts of the Prussian Province on Nassau, and finally parts of Hesse-Darmstadt. The constitution was put into place on May 18th, 1947.


  The state itself has an area of 7,663 square miles. Which is a little bit larger than the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island put together. The population of Rhineland-Palatine is roughly 4 million, which is just about the same amount of people that  live in Oklahoma. The capital city of the Rhineland-Palatinate is Mainz.


  The religion in Rhineland-Palatine is split up 50,30,20. 50% of the population of Rhineland-Palatine is Roman Catholic, 30% is Evangelical, and 20% of the population is either nonreligious or follow other religions.

  They hold elections every 5 years and all residents over 18 are eligible to vote. This parliament elects the premier and confirms the cabinet members. The different roles of the cabinet ministers are Economy, Traffic, Agriculture, and Wine-Growing. Rhineland-Palatinate is the only German state that has its own cabinet minister for wine-growing.

Other group-mates:

Matt Schoening
Denise Bechtold
Maria Mueller
Jonothan Porter
Jeff Foster

Source: September 05, 2014
Picture was found on Wikipedia page and was edited by me.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Germany license.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My expectations for German 110

Coming into German 110 I hope that we will be able to learn a lot of things about the current state of Germany and why it has become what it is. The first day has got me interested in a variety of different subjects on Germany. Most notably of these topics would have to be World War 1. I have read All Quiet on the Western Front before and I am happy to finally have another excuse to re read it. I believe that the two World Wars had a lot to do with the current shape of Germany and I can't wait to go into more detail about them. Also, it would be very interesting to learn about the infrastructure of Germany and how it has developed and changed over the course of its existence including the history of the land we now know as Germany.